A Bail Service is the kind of company people hope that they never have to do business with. Here at McRae Bail Bonds, we get it. If you are calling us then you have not had a very good day. Hopefully we can help make it a little bit better.
Obviously we cannot make the charges go away. We are not your lawyer, so we cannot argue on your behalf. But what we can do is get you out of jail and home with your family faster than people typically can on their own. We are experts at this and know how to help you navigate through the process to get it done as quickly as possible.
Plus we can help you come up with the bail money that most people do not have the ability to come up with on their own. So should you ever need us, please give McRae Bail bonds a call today at (210) 463-5561!
Experienced San Antonio Bondsmen
We love the land of the Alamo! We love the San Antonio Texas area. McRae Bail Bonds has been in the bail bonds service business since 1987. We have been doing this for a long time; over 30 years! When you do something for that long in the same area not only do you get to know the business really well, but we have built relationships with the people within the various jurisdictions within San Antonio Tx and all of Bexar County.
The advantage of working with an experienced bonds service like McRae Bail Bonds, is that you get to spend less time in jail in most cases. We are experts at getting out of jail and back home to your family quickly. And in most cases you don’t even need to leave your home to get your loved one out of jail. If you have access to the internet we can typically get the whole thing done over the phone and computer. Our motto is “Qualify By Phone! Never Leave Home!“
McRae Helps You Through The Process!
Even the most organized people tell us how chaotic live all of a sudden becomes once you get arrested. It is very stressful and no fun. But getting the very best result out of this negative process only happens if you are both prepared for and meet all of your hearings and other legal requirements that are imposed upon a person after being arrested. That is where McRae Bail Bonds can help.
At McRae Bail Bonds we remind you of each upcoming hearing and other critical legal requirements you need to take care of. We help you make sure nothing falls through the cracks! Give McRae Bail Bonds a call today at (210) 463-5561!