Get a Bail Bond in San Antonio for Fast Jail Release!

Blue Bail Bonds San Antonio TX

If you or a loved one has been arrested in Bexar County, you need to get a bail bond in San Antonio. We provide 24/7 assistance to get out of jail fast. If you need to confirm someone has been arrested, here are the steps to determine if someone is in the Bexar County Jail.

It is important to note that a defendant must post a bond to get out of the county jail, and the only person allowed to set bond amounts for defendants is a judge. The bail amount is contingent upon the charges filed against the defendant.

Several factors impact jail release time, such as the time of day or night of your arrest, when a judge is scheduled to magistrate, and the type of offense or charge. If you cannot post bail yourself, you will need a qualified co-signer for the bail bond in San Antonio. 

Four steps to get a bail bond in San Antonio:

  1. Call us at (210) 463-5561 any time of the day or night.
  2. Please provide us with the name of the person arrested.
  3. Tell us which county jail the person is being held in.
  4. Provide cash or credit card for bond payment.

Our judgment-free staff will walk you through to get a bail bond in San Antonio and get out of jail quickly. We’ve been in business for over 40 years, so call us now at (210) 463-5561 for professional, discreet service.